Für die kollaborative Arbeit an Oudeis - a world wide odyssey wird nicht nur der asynchrone Kommunikationsweg der email-Diskussion genutzt, das weltweite Team trifft sich auch regelmäßig im synchronen Umfeld des ATHEMOO. Das folgende Beispiel eines solchen Treffens zeigt sowohl Konventionen als auch den kreativen Output. Personen aus Kalifornien, Illinois, Argentinien und Europa wählten sich auf den MOO Server in Hawaii ein. Von Wien aus nahmen Gernot Lechner (GernotL), Karin Mayer (KarinM), Rainer Fügenstein (RainerF), Monika Wunderer (MonikaW) und Georg Leyrer (GeorgL) teil; Santiago Pereson (SantiagoP) hatte sich von seinem Heimcomputer in Buenos Aires eingeloggt; Dan Zellner (DanZ) benutzte seinen Computer am Arbeitsplatz, - wegen des Zeitunterschieds fand das Treffen in seiner Mittagspause statt; Twyla Mitchell-Shiner (TwylaM-S) von UCSB und der Schriftsteller Lee H. Grant (LeeG) sind in Kalifornien situiert, und Boris Karnikowski (BorisK) hatte seine Verbindung von der Universität Münster in Deutschland aufgebaut. Das Gespräch dauerte über zweieinhalb Stunden und wurde durch einen speziellen MOO Recorder aufgezeichnet.
-- Start: Tuesday, February 11, 1997
6:59:49 am ATHEMOO time (HST)
MonikaW turns Oudeis Recorder on.
MonikaW waves
SantiagoP teleports in
SantiagoP says, "hi, mon! how are you?"
MonikaW waves
SantiagoP laughs.
SantiagoP says, "i was checking the new crew pages... very good!"
MonikaW says, "well tell it to georg :)"
DanZ teleports in
GeorgL teleports in
DanZ says, "Hi Mon""
You hear the distant sound of trumpets blaring. As the fanfare grows louder, you feel the air around you begin to grow warmer. Finally, in grand style TwylaM-S appears beside you.
TwylaM-S waves.
DanZ waves
GeorgL says, "Hi Twyla!"
MonikaW says, "hi to all"
SantiagoP waves to all.
TwylaM-S says, "Hi Georg!"
RainerF teleports in
TwylaM-S hugs Monika.
GeorgL waves and grins.
TwylaM-S says, "How is everybody?"
SantiagoP [to GeorgL]: hi! congrats for the crew pages... they look very good!
SantiagoP says, "very well, thanks, and you? :)"
GeorgL [to SantiagoP]: So you have been there already.
GernotL teleports in
TwylaM-S [to GeorgL]: Yes, they look great!
DanZ says, "Santiago good to see you""
GeorgL says, "thanks everybody!"
TwylaM-S [to SantiagoP]: Good, good...
KarinM teleports in
SantiagoP [to DanZ]: good to see you, also... saw a picture of you the other day... don't know why, but i though you were bald
DanZ [to SantiagoP]: I'm getting there
MonikaW [to RainerF]: "emperor of Austria
TwylaM-S says, "I always thought Dan looked like ... Dauber on "Coach" (but, you know, smart)."
RainerF says, "Not yet emperor ..."
GernotL says, " Hi everybody"
SantiagoP [to GeorgL]: i'm writing the b.a. crew for you. will send it when we finish here.
SantiagoP [to GernotL]: "hi, gernot!
GeorgL [to Sntiago]: Okay, thanks.
MonikaW welcomes everybody
MonikaW says, "great you could make it!"
KarinM says, "to everybody hello"
SantiagoP says, "er... Lee?"
GernotL says, "to santiago: Great how the greek gods are working or???"
MonikaW says, "well, He said he would be here"
SantiagoP . o O ( and Boris... )
LeeG teleports in
TwylaM-S says, "Speaking of the devil -- Lee, hi!"
MonikaW waves at Lee
LeeG says, "Hi all!"
KarinM says, "waves to lee"
TwylaM-S hugs Lee!
GeorgL says, "Hi Lee!"
SantiagoP [to LeeG]: hi! howd'yu du?
LeeG wave to everyone
RainerF waves to lee
LeeG says, "Hi Georg, Twyla, Mon,"
GernotL says, "Hi lee, I like your question how the light cones are speaking, great that your are thinking about this!!!"
MonikaW says, "so, I am sorry I sent the update of the definitions that late! what should be the first point to discuss today?"
LeeG [to GernotL]: Thanks
MonikaW grins at Karin
MonikaW says, "dan how long can you stay?"
DanZ [to MonikaW]: I have an hour
MonikaW nods at dan great
LeeG [to SantiagoP]: Thanks
MonikaW says, "two points may I repeat..."
MonikaW says, "gernot - lightcones, santiago - language ??? am I right"
SantiagoP says, "ok"
GernotL says, "ok"
RainerF says, "Yep."
DanZ [to MonikaW]: Did you have the time (hah) to run a test of Oudeis?
DanZ . o O ( small demo of scenic elements/concepts? )
MonikaW [to DanZ]: "well NO, Rainer said that there is not enough "material " (technical seen) to do this
DanZ says, "Ok""
MonikaW says, "rainer?"
LeeG says, "Let the emperor speak"
RainerF says, "huh, lost the thread. you mean the thing in chicago ?"
GernotL says, "yes"
SantiagoP hits the floor with his staff.
MonikaW says, "dan meant to try out the connection between stages and lightcones ... but ..."
MonikaW says, "I think it is not fixed yet which technical light equipment we will use"
LeeG says, "Maybe we could do a computer simulation..."
DanZ says, "No actually I meant a simple local trial. Just using simple lights and sound. Faking it kind of""
RainerF says, "we need: space, hardware, sponsors. any volunteers ?"
TwylaM-S wonders if Sataigo's staff are complaining of bruises.
LeeG says, "Just send relevent data and see how it travels"
RainerF says, "but we could set up something with our local varilite branch. "
MonikaW nods at Dan
GeorgL laughs at Twyla (because he thought about the same joke...)
SantiagoP laughs
TwylaM-S [to GeorgL]: Great minds
think alike!
[ ]
-- End: Tuesday, February 11, 1997
9:32:44 am ATHEMOO time (HST)
©1997 Mohnstrudel. |
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