***************************************************************** * * Titel: A preface to the section "A Review of Chomskys Criticism of Kripkes Wittgenstein Autor: Frank Börncke, Passau Dateiname: 09-2-96.TXT Dateilänge: 6 KB Erschienen in: Wittgenstein Studies 2/96, Datei: 09-2-96.TXT; hrsg. von K.-O. Apel, N. Garver, B. McGuinness, P. Hacker, R. Haller, W. Lütterfelds, G. Meggle, C. Nyíri, K. Puhl, R. Raatzsch, T. Rentsch, J.G.F. Rothhaupt, J. Schulte, U. Steinvorth, P. Stekeler-Weithofer, W. Vossenkuhl, (3 1/2'' Diskette) ISSN 0943-5727. * * ***************************************************************** * * * (c) 1996 Deutsche Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft e.V. * * Alle Rechte vorbehalten / All Rights Reserved * * * * Kein Bestandteil dieser Datei darf ganz oder teilweise * * vervielfältigt, in einem Abfragesystem gespeichert, * * gesendet oder in irgendeine Sprache übersetzt werden in * * irgendeiner Form, sei es auf elektronische, mechanische, * * magnetische, optische, handschriftliche oder andere Art * * und Weise, ohne vorhergehende schriftliche Zustimmung * * der DEUTSCHEN LUDWIG WITTGENSTEIN GESELLSCHAFT e.V. * * Dateien und Auszüge, die der Benutzer für * * seine privaten wissenschaftlichen Zwecke benutzt, sind * * von dieser Regelung ausgenommen. * * * * No part of this file may be reproduced, stored * * in a retrieval system, transmitted or translated into * * any other language in whole or in part, in any form or * * by any means, whether it be in electronical, mechanical, * * magnetic, optical, manual or otherwise, without prior * * written consent of the DEUTSCHE LUDWIG WITTGENSTEIN * * GESELLSCHAFT e.V. Those articles and excerpts from * * articles which the subscriber wishes to use for his own * * private academic purposes are excluded from this * * restrictions. * * * ***************************************************************** The forthcoming sequence of six articles is kind of an experiment. In our recent issues we published single articles only or sets of articles by different authors dealing with the same topic. As WITTGENSTEIN STUDIES are published two times a year only, this doesn't allow to document an immediate feedback from other readers. This seems to be an unsatisfactory situation as we believe engaged(?) discussions to be an essential part of the evolution of both philosophic positions and ideas too. The opportunity to express article related positions (containing both agreement and disagreement) using the technique of writing letters to the editor might help a bit here but won't solve the whole problem. Reactions like this will never look like a real discussion to the reader, as the break between thesis and antithesis takes much to long. In that case article and letter seem to be single contributions instead, although their contents might contain a strong connection. Therefore we'd like to experiment with different kinds of presenting our authors' thoughts to give them a more discussion like style. This time we let the discussion take place as a whole and show the evolution of thoughts not only presenting the result in a concluding article but publishing the first statements too that lead to some final points of view. To be more concrete: The forthcoming six articles do develop and clearify their positions in turns refering to each others points of criticism starting with a detailed analysis of Kenny Siu Sing Huen. The final position is summarized by Daniel Barbiereo. The title of this section: "Chomsky and Kripke s Wittgenstein on Rule Following" gives a first impression of what the debate is about. As the amercian linguist Noam Chomsky formulated a lot of ideas concerning the way the concept of language is representated in our mind, this leads directly to a list of questions, how these positions do behave compared to Wittgensteinian ideas. To concentrate on a certain topic Huen and Barbiero refer to Saul Kripkes interpretation of the notion of rule following. This discussion takes place in six steps namely: (1) A Review of Chomskys Criticism of Kripkes Wittgenstein (Huen) (2) Chomsky vs. Kripke round 2: Methodological Collectivism and Explanatory Adequacy (Barbiero) (3) Huens response (4) Barbieros Reply (5) Further remarks from Huen (6) Concluding remarks from Barbiero There is no need to stop with the 6th contribution. The given list of articles published in this issue of WITTGENSTEIN STUDIES may be extended by third party authors. Therefore feel free to send us your own position. Furthermore this experiment might be a suggestion for groups of readers to gather together and share their views concerning another topic out of the philosophy of Wittgenstein. If you are looking for contacts to form such a group you may find it useful to have a look at the 'forum' at our internet pages.