Warum mit Marx marschiert, aber schlecht Walzer getanzt werden kann. Versuch einer Kritik der Tanzschule

Recht, Christine (2002) Warum mit Marx marschiert, aber schlecht Walzer getanzt werden kann. Versuch einer Kritik der Tanzschule. WUV ISBN-Nr.: 3-85114-752-9.

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The present thesis shows that the totalitarian praxis of Marxism in power does not result from the abuse of Marx's theory but that it is inherent in it.
Setting out from the reflection of the author's own praxis, she goes on to analyse Marx's writings from his thesis to German Ideology. This analysis encompasses his struggle for a new metaphysical fundamental system between the authorities Feuerbach and Hegel and the pressure he was exposed to by an evolving Communist Movement such as the workers' struggles - his way from Self Consciousness as the new deity to labour/production as the absolute subject.
At the core of this development lie the "Economic & Philosophical Manuscripts" in which Marx starting from the development of the notion of labour draws up this system as both closed and totalitarian including a future scenario inferred from it.
It will be shown how Marx's decision in favour of materialism came about, that in fact it was a decision and how the idealistic core idea, under the false label of materialism, continues in his further work.
In a critique of Marx's Dialectics its multiple reduction is shown and how the rigid categorisation of contradictory parts allows for their solution only by (violent and total) submission and how identity displaced into the future comes into effect as the demand for unified activity.
These analyses are preceded by an extensive chapter on Metaphysics (which Marx declared as finished); its history and changing meaning; its rebellious character is elaborated and also its rejection (which in Austria in particular continues to have an effect due to Austro-Marxism and the Vienna Circle) as a result of Enlightenment with fatal consequences for self recocnition. Based on the undermining of the basics of scientific thought, a point is made by calling for the long due abandoning of having to decide as a matter of principle between materialism and idealism (leading to the opposition of rationality and irrationality).
Branding Socialism as science deprived it of its virulent utopian strength. Marx was detrimental for the labour movement; he is more of a theorist than a critic of capitalism, an apologist of large-scale industry.

Item Type: Book
Additional Information: aus dem Werbezettel:Anhand seiner Entstehungsgeschichte wird der Marxsche Materialismus als verkappter Idealismus ausgewiesen, seine Dialektik als kastrierte, erstarrt im Entweder-Oder, der Trennung von Bewußtsein und Sein, Interpretieren und Verändern, Subjekt und Objekt - autoritär-totalitäre Begleiterscheinungen inclusive. - Der Begriff Arbeit als Subjekt der Geschichte - Zerrspiegel des Hegelschen Systems - Begriffsdialektik auf dem Marsch - Denkende und Leidende, Führer und Geführte - Pariser Manuskripte: Neues metaphysisches Grundsystem - Die Deklaration des Sozialismus zur Wissenschaft hat ihn seiner virulenten Kraft beraubt - Marx als Apologet der großen Industrie - Interpretieren und Verändern - Zufall, Irrationales, Ratio und die Politik Diese Arbeit gibt "zudem sehr bedeutsame neue politisch-praktisch relevante Aspekte für gesellschaftliches Handeln frei" (Prof. Johann Mader, Uni Wien) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Die Autorin arbeitet als Lehrerin in Wien; ab 2000 in mehreren Initiativen gegen SchwarzBlau aktiv (s.www.neuwahlen.at); Kommentare in Falter und Der Standard; in den 70ern Redakteurin des "Klassenkampf" (Zeitung des KB Österreichs)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Austromarxismus, Idealismus, Materialismus, Dialektik, Ratio, Totalitarismus, Metaphysik, Physik, Bewußtsein, Praxis, Proletariat, Sozialismus, Hegel, Feuerbach, Einheitswissenschaft, Entfremdung, absolutes Subjekt, Begriff, Wissenschaft, Utopie, KapitalIdealism, Materialism, Dialectics, Ratio, Totalitarianism, Metaphysics, Physics, Self consciousness, Praxis, Proletariat, Socialism, Communism, Unified Science, Alienation, Notion, Science, Utopia, Capital, Production, Labour, Hegel, Feuerbach, Marx, Engels, Popper, Vienna Circle, Austro-Marxism
Subjects: Philosophie > Geschichte der Philosophie > f) 19.Jahrhundert
Philosophie > Geschichte der Philosophie > g) 20.Jahrhundert
Philosophie > Philosophische Disziplinen > Gesellschaftsphilosophie, politische Philosophie, Rechtsphilosophi
Philosophie > Seminararbeiten, Diplom, Dissertationen, Arbeitspapiere > Politische Philosophie
Depositing User: Users 84 not found.
Date Deposited: 06 Dec 2020 12:57
Last Modified: 06 Dec 2020 12:57
URI: http://sammelpunkt.philo.at/id/eprint/2357

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