::L::S::R::  a paraphilosophical project

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Bild Lamettrie


Julien Offray de La Mettrie (1709-1751)


La Mettrie
within the LSR project

  • *** Julien Offray de La Mettrie - his life, work, impact
  • *** The Negation of the Irrational Super-ego in Lamettrie
  • Introduction to Lamettrie: Der Mensch als Maschine (Man a Machine)
  • Introduction to La Mettrie: Über das Glück (On Happiness - or Anti-Seneca)
  • Introduction to Lamettrie: Philosophie und Politik (Preliminary Discourse; System of Epicurus)
  • Introduction to La Mettrie: Die Kunst, Wollust zu empfinden (The art of experiencing sensuality)
  • Panajotis Kondylis - an unintentional inspiration for LSR - Biblio Kondylis
  • The reception of Lamettrie after 1985
  • A repatriation that failed
    re: the edition of La Mettrie's »Œuvres philosophiques« by Fayard
    La Mettrie - rapatriement raté (en français)
  • La Mettrie: Die 4-bändige deutsche Werkausgabe
    (works in German, 4 vols., 1985-87)

Copyright 2001-2003 © by Bernd A. Laska
a paraphilosophical project