Konstellationen - Zu eigentümlichen Verwandtschaften zwischen Wittgenstein und Adorno

Lueken, Geert-Lueke (1996) Konstellationen - Zu eigentümlichen Verwandtschaften zwischen Wittgenstein und Adorno. Wittgenstein Studien, 3 (1).

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It is a shared concern of Adorno and Wittgenstein to find a reasonable way of handling the limits of language and the philosophical urge to pass over them. Following this shared motive some peculiar affinities between Adorno and Wittgenstein can be shown. Both use rhetorical means in their philosophical language because they hold that what is said and how it is said cannot be seperated in philosophy. Furthermore, some structural resemblences of Adornos and Wittgensteins methods can be made plausible, viz. Adorno's method of constructing conceptual constellations and Wittgenstein's method of finding a "perspicuous representation". Their methods aim at a philosophical use of language which shows what cannot directly be said.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kritische, Theorie, Frankfurter Schule, Adorno, Sprache
Subjects: Philosophie > Philosophische Disziplinen > Sprachphilosophie
Philosophie > Philosophische Journale, Kongresse, Vereinigungen > Wittgenstein Studien 1994-97
Philosophie > Geschichte der Philosophie > g) 20.Jahrhundert
Depositing User: Dr Simo Saatela
Date Deposited: 06 Dec 2020 12:44
Last Modified: 06 Dec 2020 12:45
URI: http://sammelpunkt.philo.at/id/eprint/2254

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