Theater, das als Aufführungsort die Räume des MOO benutzt, hat sich in den letzten Jahren sehr aktiv gezeigt. Die Entwicklung vieler Projekte und deren anschließende Nachbearbeitung hat zur Folge, daß diese Umgebung intensiv erforscht und reflektiert ist. Ich beschreibe hier drei Aufführungen, in chronologischer Reihenfolge ihres Aufführungsdatums, die, wie Juli Burk es beschreibt, "represent the broad range of production styles available to online theatre artists experimenting with cyberperformance in the MOO environment, illustrating differing relationships to the theatrical traditions arising from Aristotle's patriarchal power structure" , um die Spannbreite der Möglichkeiten - die natürlich noch lange nicht ausgeschöpft ist - aufzuzeigen.
Hebert's presentation at the Crosswaves Festival kickoff most closely imitates traditional presentations of material with a beginning, middle, and end that audiences view as a single body. While Schrum's project is based on prescripted text presented in one location online, it is designed to incorporate exchanges of dialogue with the online audience as part of the presentation. [ ] Sacks' creation of an environment in which participants may take on a character to enact or simply watch as the action unfolds illustrates the greatest departure from traditional western theatre presentation while still maintaining links to aspects of it such as character, set, and dialogue. As illustrated in these theatrical productions on the cyberstage, there are MOO-dependent elements that represent new possibilities for the feminist subject: constructing gender identifications, a multiplicity of subject positions, and an opportunity for agency on the part of the audience.
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