Items where Subject is "Logik, analytische Philosophie"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 174.


Aleman, Anastasio (1999) El argumento de indispensabilidad en matematicas. Teorema, XVIII (2). pp. 49-61.

Avelino de la Pienda, Jesus (2003) Lógica del Gran Tiempo en Joaquín de Fiore (1130-1202). Teorema, XXII (3). pp. 131-142.

Bagaria, Joan (2003) A Short Guide to Gödel's Second Incompleteness Theorem. Teorema, XXII (3). pp. 5-15.

Beckermann, Ansgar (2002) Prozesse, die für Gründe zugänglich sind. Ende der Willensfreiheit? Frankfurter Rundschau, Forum Humanwissenschaften, vom 17.12. 2002, 58 (293).

Beckermann, Ansgar (1995) Wittgenstein, Neurath und Tarski über Wahrheit. Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung, 49. pp. 529-552.

Bevir, Mark (1997) Meaning, Truth and Phenomenology. Teorema, XVI (1). pp. 61-76.

Blum, Alex (1996) A Purported Theorem of Epistemic Logic. Teorema, XVI (1). pp. 105-106.

Bordes Solanas, Montserrat (1998) Filosofia en clave de ciencia ficcion: las personas y sus condiciones de supervivencia en el tiempo. Teorema, XVII (2). pp. 59-75.

Bosch, Roger (2003) Demostrar teoremas con forcing. Teorema, XXII (3). pp. 17-36.

Broad, C.D. (1913) Critical Notice of A. Meinong, Über Annahmen (Leipzig, 1910). Mind. pp. 90-102.

Broncano, Fernando (1999) Incompatibilidades en las teorias del contenido mental. Teorema, XVIII (2).

Campos, Manuel (2003) Communication without sense. Teorema, XXII (1-2). pp. 5-21.

Carter, William R. (1998) How not to preserve Kripke´s fundamental insight. Teorema, XVII (1). pp. 99-108.

Casanovas, Enrique (2003) Imaginarios e hiperimaginarios. Teorema, XXII (1-2). pp. 23-41.

Chomsky, Noam (1997) Language and Problems of Knowledge. Teorema, XVI (2). pp. 5-33.

Corbi, Josep E. (1998) Subjetividad y valor en un mundo natural. Teorema, XVII (2). pp. 25-44.

Czarnecki, Tadeusz (1994) The other side of understanding. Wittgenstein Studien, 1 (2).

Dummett, Michael (1998) La existencia de los objetos matematicos. Teorema, XVII (2). pp. 5-24.

Fernández Casas, Maria Xosé (2003) El relativismo linguístico en la obra de Edward Sapir. Una revisión de tópicos infundados. Teorema, XXII (3). pp. 115-129.

Frege, Gottlob (1994) Die Verneinung. Wittgenstein Studien, 1 (1).

Garcia-Carpintero, Manuel (1998) Fregean versus Kripkean Reference. Teorema, XVII (1). pp. 21-44.

García Suárez, Alfonso (1999) Nuevos problemas y cambios en el criterio empirista de significacion. Teorema, XVIII (2). pp. 19-31.

Gersdorf, Dietmar (1995) Besitzen alle eine Privatsprache und wissen bloß nichts davon? Tabula Rasa. Jenenser Zeitschrift für kritisches Denken, 7.

Green, Karen (1998) Was Searle's Descriptivism Refuted? Teorema, XVII (1). pp. 109-113.

Grimaltos, Tobies (2001) Cerebros y escarabajos: Sobre el argumento antiesceptico de Putnam. Teorema, XX (3). pp. 21-30.

Gómez Txurruka, Isabel (2003) El significado de la conjunctión y. Teorema, XXII (1-2). pp. 55-84.

Hong, Chang Seong (1998) Natural Kinds and the Identity of Property. Teorema, XVII (1). pp. 89-98.

Hrachovec, Herbert (1981) Die sprachanalytische Philosophie auf dem Rückweg zur Metaphysik, beobachtet in neueren Untersuchungen zur Logik der Modalitäten. Philosophische Rundschau, 28 (1/2). pp. 67-83.

Hrachovec, Herbert (2008) Ganze Sätze. Davidson über Prädikation. Conceptus. Zeitschrift für Philosophie (91). pp. 11-31. ISSN 0010-5155

Hrachovec, Herbert (1986) Gegenstand, Nutzen und Grenzen semantischer Wahrheitstheorien. Wiener Reihe. Themen der Philosophie, 1. pp. 82-102.

Hrachovec, Herbert (2003) Objekt und Klasse, Gegenstand und Begriff. EMISA Forum, 23 (2). pp. 45-47.

Hrachovec, Herbert (2005) Ontological Relativity reconsidered: Quine on Löwenheim-Skolem, Davidson on Quine. Teorema. Revista international de filosofia, XXIV (2). pp. 5-15.

Hrachovec, Herbert (1989) The Vienna Roundabout. On the Significance of Philosophical Reaction. Topoi, 6. pp. 121-129.

Hrachovec, Herbert (2013) Zwei asynchrone Zeitverläufe. Wittgenstein zu bewegten Bildern. tiszataj, 3. pp. 127-133.

Hrachovec, Herbert (2011) ..."goaded perhaps by Parmenides". Preliminaries to a Platonic Problem. Conceptus, Zeitschrift für Philosophie, XL (97). pp. 53-69.

Janew, Claus (2011) Laws of Form: Why Spencer-Brown is missing the point. Journal of Consciousness Exploration and Research, 2 (6). pp. 95-96. ISSN 2153-8212

Janik, Allan (2003) Art, Craftsmanship and Philosophical Method According to Wittgenstein. Rue Descartes. Revue Collège International de Philosophie, 39. pp. 18-27.

Lopez de Sa, Dan (2003) The Non-circularity Constraint: Peacocke vs. Peacocke. Teorema, XXII (1-2). pp. 85-93.

Luetterfelds, Wilhelm (1994) Ist die Basis unserer Sprachspiele zwar Wahrheitsneutral, aber dennoch epistemisch gewiss? Wittgenstein Studien, 1 (1).

Maidens, Anna (1998) Particles and the Perversely Philosophical Schoolchild: Rigid Designation, Haecceitism and Statistics. Teorema, XVII (1). pp. 75-87.

Meggle, Georg (1998) Anti-Reflexions-Reflexe. Zu Richard Raatzschs Bemerkungen zu meinen "Selbstbewußten Reflexionen". Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 46. pp. 639-650.

Meggle, Georg (1992) Grices Doppelfehler. Ein Nachtrag zum Griceschen Grundmodell. Protosoziologie, 2. pp. 16-23.

Meggle, Georg (1997) Implikaturen. Erste Definitionsvorschläge. Analyomen 2, 2. pp. 185-191.

Meggle, Georg (1997) Informatives and/or Directives. (A New Start in Speech Act Classification). Pragmatik. Implikaturen und Sprechakte, Linguistische Berichte, Sonderheft, 8.

Meggle, Georg (1998) Irre Täuscher. Grazer Philosophische Studien, 54. pp. 1-18.

Meggle, Georg (1997) Kommunikatives Handeln bei Tuomela. Analyse und Kritik, 2 (97). pp. 173-188.

Müller, Axel (2003) Some Remarks on the Relations of Semantic Externalism and Conceptual Pluralism. Teorema, XXII (3). pp. 59-82.

Perez Otero, Manuel (1998) Las distinciones modales de Kripke y el concepto de proposicion. Teorema, XVII (1). pp. 61-74.

Pierson, Robert (2003) Alston's Concept of Justification. Teorema, XXII (3). pp. 49-58.

Pineda Oliva, David (2001) Explicaciones funcionales y explicaciones programaticas. Teorema, XX (1-2). pp. 5-20.

Powell, Andrew (2000) A Note on Natural Number. Teorema, XIX (2). pp. 57-63.

Pérez Gutierrez, Mario (1999) Teoria matematica de la comunicacion y teoria semantica de la informacion. Teorema, XVIII (2).

Robles, Gemma (2003) Intutionistic Propositional Logic with the Converse Ackerman Poperty. Teorema, XXII (1-2). pp. 46-54.

Seibold, Friedrich (2006) Elementarlehre einer logischen Ontologie. Marburger Forum, Online-ZS von philoSOPHIA e.V., 2006 (4). xx - xx.

Serrano de Haro Martinez, Agustin (2001) No, nonada, monada, en el pensamiento contemporaneo en lengua espanola. Teorema, XX (1-2). pp. 109-122.

Smith, Benedict (2001) Possible Worlds and Moral Philosophy. Teorema, XX (3). pp. 41-50.

Stalnaker, Robert (1998) Los nombres y la referencia: semantica y metasemantica. Teorema, XVII (1). pp. 7-19.

Szubka, Tadeusz (2003) The T-Schema and the Epistemic Conception of Truth. Teorema, XXII (3). pp. 93-99.

Textor, Mark (1998) Rigidity and De Jure Rigidity. Teorema, XVII (1). pp. 45-59.

Theis, Wolfgang (2009) Immanuel Kant's Idea of Time vs. Norbert Elias’ Critique on his Conception. Kant E-Prints, International Journal, 4 (1). pp. 109-119. ISSN 1677-163X

Tichy, Matthias (1994) Die Identität ist der Teufel in Person": Wittgenstein un das Problem des Sinns von Identität. Wittgenstein Studien, 1 (2).

Vahid, Hamid (2003) Truth and the Aim of Epistemic Justification. Teorema, XXII (3). pp. 83-91.

Vidal, Javier (2003) Indiferencia parcial sobre el pasado. Teorema, XXII (3). pp. 37-48.

Villanueva, Enrique (2000) La mente es una estructura causal: el funcionalismo teorico. Teorema, XIX (1). pp. 27-44.

Book Section

Adams, Fred (2003) Toward Saving Nozick from Kripke. In: UNSPECIFIED Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 18-19.

Adams, Frederick (2002) Names That Name Nothing. In: UNSPECIFIED Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 8-10.

Ariso, Jose Maria (2002) Some Reflections about Wittgenstein´s Bezugssystem. In: UNSPECIFIED Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 14-15.

Bae, Sun Bok (2003) Von der Unaussprechbarkeit zur ontischen Reduktion. In: UNSPECIFIED Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 27-29.

Bal, Ramakanta (2002) Beyond Relativism? Re-engaging Wittgenstein. In: UNSPECIFIED Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 196-198.

Beckermann, Ansgar (2003) Mentale Eigenschaften und mentale Substanzen - Anworten der Analytischen Philosophie auf das 'Leib-Seele-Problem'. In: UNSPECIFIED Karl Alber: München, pp. 203-221.

Bengtsson, Gisela (2002) On the Austere Conception of Nonsense. In: UNSPECIFIED Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 25-27.

Black, Oliver (2002) Personal Identity, Numerical and Qualitative. In: UNSPECIFIED Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 31-32.

Bonino, Guido (2003) Two Conceptions of Logical Form. In: UNSPECIFIED Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 47-49.

Cain, Mark J. (2003) Chomsky, Knowledge of Language and the Rule-Following Considerations. In: UNSPECIFIED Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 75-77.

Carey, Rosalind (2003) Wittgenstein on Believing that p. In: UNSPECIFIED Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 81-83.

Chrudzimski, Arkadiusz (2002) Freiheit, Personen und ontologische Verpflichtungen. In: UNSPECIFIED Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 45-47.

Czasny, Karl (2010) Erkenntnistheoretische grundlagen der klassischen physik: Band II - Vertiefung der philosophischen Reflexion(Leseprobe). In: Erkenntnistheoretische grundlagen der klassischen physik: Band II - Vertiefung der philosophischen Reflexion. GRIN - Verlag für akademische Texte, Germany, pp. 1-30. ISBN 978-3-640-61034-1

Fang, Wan-Chuan (2002) On the Interpretability of Rules. In: UNSPECIFIED Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 54-55.

Gelbmann, Gerhard (1997) Autopoïetische Konzepte des Konstruktivismus. In: UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Goldstein, Laurence (2002) Three Applications of an Austin/Wittgenstein Ontological Insight. In: UNSPECIFIED Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 62-64.

Hennig, Boris (2000) Luhmann und die Formale Mathematik. In: Die Logik der Systeme. Universitätsverlag Konstanz, Konstanz.

Hijab, Wasfi A. (2002) The Vienna School for Truth Exploration. In: UNSPECIFIED Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 84-86.

Hindriks, Frank A. (2003) Knowledge, Belief, and Assertion. In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 135-137.

Holm, Ruurik (2003) A Correction Rule for Inductive Methods. In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 141-142.

Holtug, Nils (2002) Personal Identity and What Matters. In: UNSPECIFIED Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 90-91.

Hrachovec, Herbert (2012) Der Turing-Spielplatz. In: Per Anhalter durch die Turing-Galaxis. MV-Wissenschaft, Münster, pp. 119-123.

Hrachovec, Herbert (2009) Formvollendet? Nein danke! In: Lebensform Wittgenstein. Bilder und Begriffe. Passagen, Wien, pp. 21-24.

Hrachovec, Herbert (2004) Gotthard Günthers Geltung, oder die Grenzen der Geduld. In: Cybernetics - Kybernetik, Die Macy-Konferenzen 1946-1953. diaphanes.

Hrachovec, Herbert (2000) Holistic Reductionism. The Case against the Case against Carnap. In: La Philosophie Autrichienne. Specificites et Influences. Universite de Tunis, pp. 109-126.

Hrachovec, Herbert (2020) Urbild, Paradigma, Regel. In: Regelfolgen, Regelschaffen, Regeländern – die Herausforderung für Auto-Nomie und Universalismus durch Ludwig Wittgenstein, Martin Heidegger und Carl Schmitt. Treffpunkt Philosophie (17). Peter Lang, Wien, pp. 213-228. ISBN 978-3-631-80467-4

Hrachovec, Herbert (2021) Wahrheit. In: Staatslexikon. Herder, pp. 99-103. ISBN 978-3-451-39516-1

Hrachovec, Herbert (1990) Wittgenstein als Ruhestifter. In: Wittgenstein -- Eine Neubewertung. Akten des 14. Internationalen Wittgenstein-Symposiums. Braumüller, pp. 268-272.

Hrachovec, Herbert (2006) Wittgenstein's Paperwork. An Example from the "Big Typescript". In: UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED.

Hrachovec, Herbert Wittgensteins Halbmond. In: Image and Imaging in Philosophy, Science and the Arts. Proceedings of the 33rd International Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg 2010. Ontos, Frankfurt, pp. 23-34.

Kamiyama, Kazuyoshi An Argument against Skepticism. In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 167-168.

Keller, Philipp Indefensibility, Skepticism and Conceptual Truth. In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 175-176.

Knowles, Jonathan Reasoning Competence. In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 180-182.

Lampert, Timm Grundlagen der Logik und Mathematik – Der Standpunkt Wittgensteins. In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 189-192.

Maurer, Michael Wittgenstein on the Meaning of Life: From Theory to Therapy. In: Philosophie der Informationsgesellschaft / Philosophy of the Information Society. Österreichische Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 142-144.

Meggle, Georg (1999) Analytische Philosophie. In: UNSPECIFIED Meiner, pp. 624-625.

Meggle, Georg (1997) Communicative Actions. In: UNSPECIFIED Kluwer, pp. 251-272. (In Press)

Meggle, Georg (1997) Das Leben eine Reise. In: UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED, pp. 178-192.

Meggle, Georg (1994) Das Verstehen von Handlungen - Disputation. In: UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED, pp. 166-208.

Meggle, Georg (1999) Kommunikation und Rationalität. In: UNSPECIFIED de Gruyter, pp. 48-63.

Meggle, Georg (1991) Kommunikation und Reflexivität. In: UNSPECIFIED Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, pp. 375-404.

Meggle, Georg (1998) Kommunikation, Wahrsagerei und Schlitzohrigkeit. In: UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED, pp. 47-72.

Meggle, Georg (1999) Kommunikatives Handeln. In: UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED, pp. 708-711.

Meggle, Georg (2003) Kommunikatives Verstehen - Die Grundzüge. In: UNSPECIFIED Nodus Publikation, pp. 341-352.

Meggle, Georg (1997) Logik der Abschreckung. Ein Anfang. In: UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED, pp. 404-423.

Meggle, Georg (2000) Logik der Täuschung. In: UNSPECIFIED de Gruyter, pp. 339-348.

Meggle, Georg (2001) Meine philosophischen Probleme und ich. In: UNSPECIFIED Fischer, pp. 102-113.

Meggle, Georg (1998) Regeltheoretische contra Intentionalistische Semantik? In: UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED, pp. 1109-120.

Meggle, Georg (1997) Selbstbewußte Reflexionen. In: UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED, pp. 82-110.

Meggle, Georg (1997) Theorien der Kommunikation. Eine Einführung. In: Kommunikationstheorien - Theorien der Kommunikation. Leipziger Universitätsverlag, pp. 14-40.

Meggle, Georg (1999) Understanding of Actions: Some Problems. In: UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED, pp. 103-110.

Meixner, John and Fuller, Gary Bonjour"s A Priori Justification of Induction. In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 227-229.

Meixner, Uwe (2003) Die Aktualität Husserls für die moderne Philosophie des Geistes. In: UNSPECIFIED de Gruyter: Berlin, New York, pp. 308-388.

Milkov, Nikolay (2003) The Method of the Tractatus. In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 239-241.

Niederbacher, Bruno (2003) On Virtuously Attaining Truth. In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 260-262.

Ohmacht, Martin (2003) Wittgenstein´s Critique of Gödel´s Incompleteness Results. In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 269-271.

Perry, John (2006) How Real Are Future Events? In: Time and History Proceedings of the 28. International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria 2005. Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt, pp. 13-30.

Plank, Andreas (2002) Construction, Convention, and Subjectivity in the Early Wittgenstein. In: UNSPECIFIED Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 33-34.

Portugal, Agnaldo Cuoco (2003) Probability Theories and the Justification of Theism. In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 283-285.

Ramharter, Esther (2002) The Gap between 5.641 and 6 Logik und Person bei Wittgenstein. In: Internationalen Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 199-201.

Ramharter, Esther (2003) Wittgensteins Kritik an Gödel und das versteckte tertium non datur. In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 289-291.

Rami, Adolf (2002) Wittgenstein on Sameness, Necessity and Privacy. In: UNSPECIFIED Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, pp. 202-204.

Reznikov, Vladimir (2003) Bayes" and Fisher"s Conceptions of Statistic in the Context of Empirical Paradigm. In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 292-294.

Romeyn, Jan Willem (2003) Analogical Predictions. In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 298-301.

Sachs-Hombach, Klaus (2000) Selbstbild und Selbstverständnis. In: UNSPECIFIED Paderborn: Mentis, pp. 189-200.

Schmidt-Petri, Christoph (2003) Is Gettier"s First Example Flawed? In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 317-319.

Schurz, Gerhard (2003) Bayesian Arguments for Weak Foundationalism. In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 323-324.

Shieber, Joseph (2003) What our Rylean Ancestors Knew: More on Knowing How and Knowing That. In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 328-330.

Somavilla, Ilse (2003) Aspekte philosophischer und religiöser Gewißheit bei Ludwig Wittgenstein. In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 331-333.

Tabet, Chiara (2003) Semantics and Ontology: On the Modal Structure of an Epistemic Theory of Meaning. In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 337-341.

Talmont-Kaminski, Konrad (2003) What does Haack"s double-aspect experientialism give us? In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 342-344.

Ule, Andrej (2003) Kann etwas Rotes zugleich grün sein? In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 348-350.

Vossenkuhl, Wilhelm (1998) ,Verstehen' verstehen. Über Analyse und Hermeneutik. In: UNSPECIFIED Mohr.

Walter, Sven (2003) Can Program Explanations Save the Causal Efficacy of Beliefs? In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 360-362.

Westergaard, Peter K. (2003) A Note on the Late Wittgenstein"s Use of the Picture Concept. In: Pre-Proceedings of the 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, pp. 371-373.

Wiedebach, Hartwig (2020) Widerspruch und Identität bei Cohen und Hegel. Schutz des Denkens vor Selbstvernichtung. In: Schlusslogische Letztbegründung. FS Kurt Walter Zeidler zum 65. Geburtstag. Peter Lang, Berlin u.a., pp. 297-306.

Wolff, Michael (1998) Prinzipien und expositorische Beweise in Aristoteles' Syllogistik. In: UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED, pp. 131-170.


Cordes, Moritz and Reinmuth, Friedrich (2011) Ein Redehandlungskalkül. Ein pragmatisierter Kalkül des natürlichen Schließens nebst Metatheorie. Working Paper. Moritz Cordes und Friedrich Reinmuth, Greifswald. (Unpublished)

Cordes, Moritz and Reinmuth, Friedrich (2011) A Speech Act Calculus. A Pragmatised Natural Deduction Calculus and its Meta-theory. Working Paper. Moritz Cordes und Friedrich Reinmuth, Greifswald. (Unpublished)

Gelbmann, Gerhard (2003) Report on the Project: Recollection of References. Wittgenstein on the Language-Game of Remembering. (RR). UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED.

Gelbmann, Gerhard (2002) Towards a Pragmatic Theory of Meaning and Emotions. Project Report to Norges Forskningsråd / The Research Council of Norway. UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Jung, Barbara (2016) Kausales Wissen als Algorithmus. Eine rekursive Prozedur in David Humes "Treatise of Human Nature". Discussion Paper. Barbara Jung. (Unpublished)

Conference or Workshop Item

Badiou, Alain (1993) L'Antiphilosophie de Wittgenstein. In: Lecture Course by Alain Badiou 1993-94.

Hrachovec, Herbert (2012) Identität ist Spurensuche. In: Biometrische Identitäten und ihre Rolle in den Diskursen um Sicherheit und Grenzen, 30.November und 1.Dezember, 2012, Berlin, Humboldt-Universität.

Hrachovec, Herbert (2014) A Ladder and a Cave. In: 37th International Ludwig-Wittgenstein-Symposium: Analytical and Continental Philosophy: Methods and Perspectives, 10.-16. August 2014, Kirchberg/Wechsel, N.Ö..

Pichler, Axel and Raunig, Michael Aussage und Bedeutung. Skizze einer postanalytischen Bedeutungstheorie. In: Language und World (32nd International Wittgenstein Symposium 2009), 9th-15th August 2009, Kirchberg am Wechsel. (Submitted)


Ormell, Christopher (1993) Some Varieties of Superparadox. The implications of dynamic contradiction, the characteristic form of breakdown of breakdown of sense to which self-reference is prone. Studies in the Meaning of Mathematics, 2 . Mathematics Applicable Group, School of Education, University of East Anglia, Norwich in association with Ashby Anthologies.

Ormell, Christopher (1993) Some Varieties of Superparadox. The implications of dynamic contradiction, the characteristic form of breakdown of breakdown of sense to which self-reference is prone. Studies in the Meaning of Mathematics, 2 . Mathematics Applicable Group, School of Education, University of East Anglia, Norwich in association with Ashby Anthologies.

meissl, walter (2003) wittgensteinskulptur - eine formalästhetische betrachtung des tractatus logico philosophicus. hrachovec herbert. (Unpublished)


BÃ¥ve, Arvid (2006) Deflationism: A Use-Theoretic Analysis of the Truth-Predicate. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Stockholm University.

Kaiser, Peter (2003) Nicht nur in Begleitung meines Körpers. UNSPECIFIED thesis, University of Vienna.

Kirchner, AKA (2009) Gödels ontologischer Gottesbeweis. Other thesis, Universität Wien.

Maier, Andreas (2006) Die Zuschreibung von Verantwortung. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.


Hrachovec, Herbert and Schiemer, Georg (2011) Rudolf Carnaps logisch-mathematische Studien. [Audio]


Beckermann, Ansgar (2003) Muss die Philosophie noch analytischer werden? UNSPECIFIED.

Eichholzer, Hannah (2010) Die stoische Logik und die Bedeutung der Logik in der epikureischen Lehre. Vorlesungsarbeit Universität Wien. (Unpublished)

Friedman, Michael (2004) Vorwort zu "Carnap, Cassirer, Heidegger. Geteilte Wege". UNSPECIFIED.

Friedman, Michael (2004) Überwindung der Metaphysik: Carnap und Heidegger. UNSPECIFIED.

Gelbmann, Gerhard (2002) An Outline of Pragmatologic Model-Theory (sec. Stachowiak). Semiotic Subjectivity II (lecture). UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Gelbmann, Gerhard (2002) An Outline of Pragmatologic Model-Theory (sec. Stachowiak). Semiotic Subjectivity II. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Gelbmann, Gerhard (2002) Persons as Socio-Semiotic Subjects. Semiotic Subjectivity III. Presentation of "Observations on Transaction". UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Gelbmann, Gerhard (2002) Persons as Socio-Semiotic Subjects. Semiotic Subjectivity III. Presentation of "Observations on Transaction" (lecture). UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Gelbmann, Gerhard (2002) Pragmatics and the Conceptual Constitutivity of the Social (contra Hintikka and Luntley). Semiotic Subjectivity I (lecture). UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Gelbmann, Gerhard (2002) Sind Zahlen Attribute? UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Gelbmann, Gerhard (2002) Skript, Text, Werk, Album. Zu Alois Pichlers Umgang mit Wittgensteins Schreiben. Essay. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Gelbmann, Gerhard (2005) Some Remarks On Propositional Attitudes and Mutual Assumptions. A Re-construction of an Aphorism by Ronald D. Laing. UNSPECIFIED.

Gelbmann, Gerhard (2005) Some Remarks On Propositional Attitudes and Mutual Assumptions. A Re-construction of an Aphorism by Ronald D. Laing. UNSPECIFIED.

Hoegl, Franz (2002) Eine kurze Bemerkung über den Widerspruch. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Hoegl, Franz (2004) Muss irgendjemand irgendetwas notwendigerweise wollen, damit sein Tun ein Kommunikationsversuch sein kann? Systemtheoretische Anmerkungen zu Georg Meggles ,,Reflexivitäts-Bedingung". UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Pichler, Alois (2001) Plato and so on. A Dialogue on Philosophical Dialogues. UNSPECIFIED.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 3 06:38:15 2025 CET.